Saturday, September 30, 2006

Peter Ciferri

Pete is a senior broadcast journalism student. Originally from Reading, Pennsylvania, Pete has interned at KPRI-FM San Diego and WUBZ-FM Philipsburg/State College. He is also the head writer of Phroth magazine, Penn State’s Humor Magazine.

Eva Marie Bruce

Samantha Scheller

I'm from the Philadelphia area, but Penn State is my home away from home. I like to learn new things and I'm constantly asking questions. I love to race cars, have great conversations, meet interesting people and eat good food. My best friends are all I really need, and everything else can come second. I laugh all the time and I love Happy Valley.

Mora Adeyi

I love to live, literally. I love black and white movies, especially American Movie Channel, they show the best movies at 3 in the morning. I love to travel; my favorite place right now is Belgium because the people there are so friendly. I love my family and have a younger sister who’s my whole world. I love to dance and sing in the shower. I love to laugh and love to make other people laugh. I love writing poetry and watching romantic comedies with my girlfriends. My best friends are really the ones who keep me sane each and every day. I am excited about learning all I can at Pennstate; everyday there is a new adventure.

Dana Breiter

My name is Dana Breiter, and I am a sophomore at Penn State majoring in journalism and psychology. Along with Comm Radio, I am also involved in the ballet club, Circle K, and the Penn State Environmental Society .

Samantha Kropp

I was born on January 23, 1987 in New Jersey. I grew up and still live in West Norriton, PA, just outside of Philadelphia. I have 2 brothers, 1 sister, 3 nephews, and 2 nieces. I went to a Catholic grade school and high school and have wanted to come to Penn State for a long time. Throughout high school I did cheerleading and volleyball. Volleyball is still one of my favorite things to do today along with shopping, reading, and watching movies. I am currently a sophomore in the sorority Sigma Kappa and live on the floor with my sisters. I am the Sigma Kappa Triangle Correspondent, writing articles for the magazine every few months.
I have held jobs such as a cashier at Genuardi’s, an office assistant at Kremer Laser Eye Center, and a marketing intern at Boehringer Laboratories. I am either majoring in journalism or advertising; I just can’t make up my mind. I want to get an internship at a news station somewhere in Philadelphia for the summer. I also plan on doing the “Semester at Sea” the summer after my junior year. In the future I want to work at a news station, or at an advertising agency in New York City.

Heather Sharkey

Hi my name is Heather Sharkey. I am 19 years old, and I am from Manalapan, New Jersey. I am journalism major, but I am still not sure on what I want to do. As long as I get to write about interesting things and meet cool people, I will be happy. I have an older and younger brother, which makes me the middle child. My brothers are not always nice, but I love them anyway. I love laughing, making people laugh, running, going to the beach, watching movies, and listening to music. I hate to admit that I love celebrity gossip and anything entertainment. Most of all, I like to surround myself with funny and fun people. My family and friends are my biggest values. I am also Irish and very proud of my heritage. Lastly, I love Penn State and never want to leave!

David Klatt

So there are these two fish in this tank rightand one fish turns to the
other one and says Are you serious? Do you have any idea how to drive this
thing? That one's free, you can use it.

David Klatt is a junior from the north side of Chicago. He is the producer
of Wednesdays newscast, a day that's often thought to be the greatest and
best day to bring the news to the people (-- tell your friends). He also
contributes to WPSU-FM, central Pennsylvanias NPR station, and the
environmental program The Allegheny Front.

Roshanna Barrows

Optimistic, Compassionate, a go-getter, intelligent, witty, are a few words that describe Roshanna Barrows. I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York. Growing up as the only child I’ve always looked at writing as my refuge which was the only way of expressing my thoughts. Now, as a young woman I still look at writing as a place of shelter but I also know it is imperative to voice my beliefs. I am currently a junior at Penn State University in the College of Communications with a major in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in Spanish. My objective for the near future is to attend Grad School at Columbia School of Journalism or Seton Hall University to focus on Media studies. After Graduate School I intend to work for a major publication company or an elite television network fulfilling my dream. My current job entails working hard in school and maintaining my overall GPA of a 3.5. The rate that I’m moving and my positive approach I know I’m destined to be a star.

Abagail Wetzler

Hello everyone. My name is Abagail Wetzler and I am junior majoring in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in German. I hope to work for a news station after my undergraduate caeer. I love to travel, meet new people, and learn new languages. I have a random sense of humor and an abnormal obession with cheese.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Charles Marks

Chuck is the co-host of the politically based entertainment show "the Chuck". He is a Junior and is currently talking in the 3rd person. Chuck likes it when you calls him big pappa...actually he just likes it when you call. He is very, very lonely. Listen to the Chuck sometime during the week.

Stacey Weinstein

Stacey Weinstein, a Penn State Junior, born and raised in Abington Pennsylvania is taking part in ComRadio for the first time. She is a media studies major and is very excited to start doing things that are related to her major. When Stacey is not in class or doing work she is either spending time with her friends or at work because she is saving up her money for when she studies abroad in Barcelona in the Spring. She loves anything that has to do with Penn State including football games and she hopes that her 4 years here at Penn State go as slow as possible.

Sara Kennedy

My name is Sara Lynn Marie Kennedy and I am 20 years old. I am from West Chester, PA and my major is Journalism. After college, I'd like to work for a newspaper, radio station or publishing company. I am the oldest child, my brother and sister are great. My team is the Eagles! I love to go to concerts and my favorite band is the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp, favorite color black,and favorite day Thursday! I am 98% Irish, and look exactly like my mom. I suck at cooking and waste all my money on food and booze. I am excited to do this for COMMRADIO and hope I can do a great job. I live in the Meridian, I love to go out on the weekend and like to watch movies. My favorite movie is Blow.

Andy Robb

"Andy Robb is just like your normal guy. He eats, sleeps, showers regularly and participates in breathing. Some of his interests include reading to blind children, helping old ladies cross the street, cakes with strippers inside, making fun of bad movies, and of course, keeping things straight gangsta. Performing as a stand-up comedian on the college circuit since 2004, Andy is looking to bring his humor to the radio, where he's positve no one will listen."

Janay Gaefke

And here is my autobiography!! its kinda silly and stupid :) See ya soon!

My name is Janay, I'm from Pittsburgh, PA. I'm a freshman this year, but I came up for the summer session and had an awesome time! My major is Communications with emphasis on Broadcast Journalism. Basically, I want to be on TV as either a newscaster, or as the host of a major TV show.

When I have my spare time, I love to go shopping, work out, read, spend time with my friends and family, and also work! I worked at Hollister clothing store in Pittsburgh, and I also worked at Boston Market, which definitely wasn't fun!

So far I absolutely love Penn State! Aside from COMRadio, I am also involved in ITP, training to become a certified fitness instructor, im rushing a sororirty, interested in joining THON, and also Blue and White Society.

Lori Kapes

My name is Lori Kapes and I'm from Allentown and Pittston, Pa. I am currently a junior at Penn State, majoring in Journalism with a minor in Theatre. For my first two years at penn state I attended the Lehigh Valley Campus where I was a Lion Ambassador, involved with SGA, and I was one of two THON 2006 Co-Chairs. I've got a knack for doodling while attempting to listen in class. I always listen to music, because I can't live without it. My favorite band is A Perfect Circle and my favorite singer is Imogen Heap. Name any movie and I'm sure I can tell you whos in it and what its about. I also watch a little too much TV. My favorite TV show is "Grey's Anatomy" and my favorite movie is "Garden State," among others. Biggest accomplishment so far is getting in to college with the SAT scores that I got. Besides that, my other big accomplishment is having a movie review of mine published in an Australian newspaper. When I was about 14/15 I began writing movie reviews for an entertainment news site based out of Australia. Following that, I wrote for various other websites.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Rob Arcamona

He's nice.

Fine I'll add more. I'm one of (and the unglier) news director here at ComRadio. Christi Harrison is the other, prettier news director. I'm going to be a super senior next year because, well i just dont want to get out in the real world. I've done a little time for CBS and a few other stations. Sometimes I help out around ComRadio. I've backpacked across europe (best idea ever) and live 10 minuets from a beach. So i love my boat and love fishing and love you...yes you. And thoes glasses i'm wearing.