Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lori Kapes

My name is Lori Kapes and I'm from Allentown and Pittston, Pa. I am currently a junior at Penn State, majoring in Journalism with a minor in Theatre. For my first two years at penn state I attended the Lehigh Valley Campus where I was a Lion Ambassador, involved with SGA, and I was one of two THON 2006 Co-Chairs. I've got a knack for doodling while attempting to listen in class. I always listen to music, because I can't live without it. My favorite band is A Perfect Circle and my favorite singer is Imogen Heap. Name any movie and I'm sure I can tell you whos in it and what its about. I also watch a little too much TV. My favorite TV show is "Grey's Anatomy" and my favorite movie is "Garden State," among others. Biggest accomplishment so far is getting in to college with the SAT scores that I got. Besides that, my other big accomplishment is having a movie review of mine published in an Australian newspaper. When I was about 14/15 I began writing movie reviews for an entertainment news site based out of Australia. Following that, I wrote for various other websites.


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